
Like much of the rest of the country, I’m trying to follow the information about the Virginia Tech shooter as it becomes available. But I’ve been so appalled at how the liberal media are handling the story that I barely trust them to get the kid’s name right. In the first article that the New York Times put out, they had very little information, so the article was comprised of interviews with students, parents, police officials, and faculty. But right in the middle of the article there were two large paragraphs about the need for gun control in this country. I thought they might simply have done a shoddy job of choosing material to pad the article, but then more gun control calls came in: additional articles, religious leaders, leftist activitist groups, all calling for more gun control. If I were tied to someone who was injured or killed on that campus, I would be outraged that so many groups were trying to use my friend’s body to get their political agenda through. I think it’s inappropriate to be arguing over gun control when the investigation is still underway, when it’s clear the real center of the tragedy is the mental health of this kid, and when no one has even been allowed a moment to grieve. Using the incident for political footing? Okay, that’s sick.

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2 Responses to Disturbed

  1. fustianist says:

    It’s a bit unusual for me to quote a politician in order to find someone who says something sensible, but here’s Gov. Tim Kaine: ‘For those who want to make this a political hobby horse they can ride, I’ve got nothing but loathing for them’.


  2. Heidi says:

    The conservative media is doing the same thing.

    You’re right, the real tragedy is mental health issues. How do we create a system that adequately monitors students with mental health problems, when our university health programs are often under funded and when our students don’t necessarily want to utilize them either… This is becoming so common at universities, even amongst kids who want to find help!

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