In Katherine’s words: “Mountain!”

We arrived in Wengen, Switzerland, after sunset; this is the view that greeted us when we woke up in the morning:

The following morning was cloudier; who would have known there were snow-covered mountains here?

At the train station, waiting to head out for some hiking:

The Trümmelbach Falls are an amazing set of ten, glacier-fed waterfalls that have carved themselves deeply into the mountain side.

On the way back to Wengen after our hiking, we enjoyed a lovely rainbow in the valley below:

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5 Responses to In Katherine’s words: “Mountain!”

  1. Heidi says:

    Wow! Beautiful!!!

  2. Mother-of-the-bride says:

    Just looking at the pictures made me take a deep, cleansing breath! Reminds me of words from the hymn “Oh Lord My God, when I in awesome wonder, consider all the works thy hand hath made…”

    A similar trip is now on my bucket list!

  3. Erin says:

    Make sure you let me tag along, Mom!

    These pictures make me laugh: it seems it’s impossible to get the scope of the view into the picture without some fancy photography. It was one of the few places I’ve been where I felt small 🙂

  4. Laura Peifer says:

    So stunning! That’s a place we hope to visit someday. Does Sydney’s family have roots in the area? My side is from a small town in Germany near the Swiss border, so we hope to check it out at some point!

  5. Erin says:

    Sydney’s from Russian Mennonite background, rather than Swiss, so this was more of an attempt to see general Mennonite stomping grounds rather than an attempt to reconnect with family roots. We’d hoped to do more looking for Mennonite historical places, but realized that that might be frustrating with small kids in tow and a very tight schedule. Maybe next time!

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