Gratuitous pictures of children and cats

We’re still here!

This past year has been a busy one, but we’ve taken plenty of pictures.  Sydney got a fancy new Nikon . . . but he’s mostly using a lens that allows him to take close-ups of tiny, tiny insects and plant life.  He has become an avid poster on iNaturalist: you can see all of the species he’s documented at our farm here.  He’s also keeping up weekly posts on his farm blog here.

And the kids have taken over the other cameras in the house, which lead to a lot of cat pictures, and photograph records of Lego edifices, farm flowers, and the like.

Did I mention that the kids have become allergic to having their picture taken?  I did finally catch them on a generous day, so here you are, with Katherine (13) and Nathaniel (11) snuggling with Dexter.  Domino didn’t want to be left out, though:


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