Dawlish Warren, Day Two of the Trip to the Coast

The second day of our vacation was a bit less hurried.  I ordered a big breakfast from the cafe below our apartment, we took a leisurely walk along the same waterfront route we had traveled the previous day, with a brief stop back in town to let the kids burn energy at the playground, and then we packed up and took a half-hour train ride to a town a bit farther down the coast.  Sydney took off to go birdwatching in the nature preserve, and I bribed the kids with snacks so that I could take a quick walk along this magnificent “cliff wall.”  You see why I didn’t let them out of the stroller to join me.

I could have walked all day there, but the kids were getting pretty feisty . . . and there were some serious steps after a mile or so that I didn’t want to try with a hundred-pound stroller.  So we headed back and, just when I thought I might have had quite enough of the whining (both kids wanted out, or a snack, or a drink of water, or, or, or), we plopped down on the sand and had, if not a nap, then three good hours of quiet as we closed our eyes and soaked in the sun or, since neither the kids nor I sit still for long, dug up rocks and shells in the sand.

Sydney found us there and we shared four scoops of ice cream (yes, the kids ate their share) and sandwiches before we loaded up for the train home.  It was a bit weird climbing onto a train with sand in our clothes and between our toes, but we made it home without incident.  I thoroughly enjoyed 20 minutes of cuddling a sleepy Nathaniel before it dawned on me that he was sleeping because he was starting to get sick.  The warm and fuzzy feeling dissipated a bit after that thought.



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